Our Cocktails & Caregivers team is made up of some of the best and brightest!

meet the helpers

Volunteer Coordinator

Courtney Amos

Advisory Board

Interested in serving on the Cocktails & Caregivers Board? Reach out to Alex Umbach.

Director of Caregiver Communications

Ashley Goldman


Sarah Mitchell

Financial Advisor

Stephanie Anderson

Founding Member

Jennifer Cook

Alex Umbach

Vice President

Amanda Clark-Wahl


Board of directors


Lindsey Hammond

Nate Breier

Director of Fundraising

Chicago Event Specialist

Melinda Almeroth

Social Media Coordinator

Theresa Almeroth

Event Specialist

Heather Bailey

Grants & Sponsorships Coordinator

Liz Eyas

Kristina Nemetz

Caregiver Outreach Team

Event Specialist

Keli Novack

Bri Teusch

Gifts & Grants Coordinator

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