When Happy Makes You Sad…

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  1. Amanda Massey says:

    I’m sorry to have read recently about this struggle, Amanda. And I know we were not friends in high school…but this stuff transcends all that, I believe. Wonderful post with a real but hopeful message. Sending good thoughts your way…and please keep writing!

  2. Mary Stewart Ahaus says:

    Amanda I caught on an started following this blog about a month ago. I had no clue about what was happening until I saw it on Facebook. I’m like, “who is this beautiful couple?” Oh, well I know her! Same as Amanda above, I know we didn’t speak but two words to each other in high school but that doesn’t stop my heart from breaking for you when I read about what’s happening in your life. Your husband sounds like one of a kind and you are all in my prayers and on my mind. Xo

  3. Anne Downs Forsythe says:

    Amanda andJoe, hi this is Patricks sister Anne, I am so sorry to hear of all of this, I prAy for you and will continue to do so. May you find strength in the love you have for each other and the love and support from family and friends

  4. […] days that followed are a blur. I wrote a blog once called When happy makes you sad and I felt that more than ever on our […]