Living the Dream

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  1. Anna R Fitz. says:

    God Bless you sweet lady!!! Thanks for posting. Prayers for you and Joe and bay everyday!!!

    • Amanda Stephenson says:

      Love and prayers to you and your growing family Amanda. You’re writing is entertaining, inspiring, and eye opening…sobering actually. Thank you for sharing and I wish you guys peace and joy during this upcoming holiday season. Oh…and my husband ALWAYS goes on a health kick when I’m about 40 lbs overweight during pregnancy. It’s just not right 😉

  2. Jill says:

    I am a friend of a friend and saw this on her Facebook page. This is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read. Keeping you in our prayers in Virginia.

  3. Mary Coffman says:

    i love reading your entries!! so much care, love, sincerity and purity in it!! prayers for you guys always!!! xo

  4. Aunt Robin says:

    My darling girl… you just hit a perfect shot. You’re absolutely right and no one could have said it better than you did. Hurry home … 🙂

  5. Lisa campione says:

    What a great read, you have such a way with words, maybe some day you can write a book about the journey! Tell joe not to worry about his belly button, who needs them anyway, I always get a rash in mine 😉 you three have a wonderful Thanksgiving. Oh, and happy belated anniversary. The video of joe leaving the hospital was awesome … Stay strong
    Love, Mark and Lisa Campione

  6. Cathi Evans says:

    Thank you for teaching us all to stop and smell the roses. My family is by far the most important thing in my life. I want to live everyday appreciating what I have not the things I thought I needed.

  7. liz Ferm says:

    Hang in there! Keep strong like you are! You can and are doing it! You are an inspiration and your newborn will bring so much joy and smiles to your life! Best of luck!
    (We are going through the cancer battle with our 5 year old, who got diagnosed just when our youngest was 3 months old, back in July. She lights up our lives with her little baby smiles. Just when I think how am I going to do this with a newborn baby, a sick child and 7 year old…..Spending time, weekly for months, in the pediatric chemo clinic with all those innocent little faces, that have just started their lives, make you think, if they are strong and fighting, we can be also!)

  8. Anne downs forsythe says:

    You are so right, things can always be worse, I have seen such sad things. These things sure put things into perspective. Tell Joe that when I see pictures of him, I see the same strong, determined handsome Joe, getting stronger by the day. I wish you to be home soon with those tiki torches, and the three of you spending time enjoying life. I wish you and Joe the best, you both truly deserve it. That little baby of yours is lucky, she had two incredible parents. We love you and wish we could be there to hug you, lend a hand, tell Joe how great he looks, clean, cook, ect… But since I can’t be there I will continue to pray for you. May God Bless you both now and always. Love anne