The Climb Continues…

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  1. Dear God, it’s me, Rosemary. I am not asking for anything for myself or for my children. I am coming to you on behalf of two people I do not even know, Joe and Amanda. We really need you to heal Joe and bring him home for the birth of their first baby. In the precious name of Jesus, I ask you to please heal Joe’s body, soul and spirit and make him completely well. I pray that he will look to You as his only hope against the sicknesses and diseases of this world. Give him strength to fight. Give him Your strength. Thank You, in advance, for all that You are going to do and we will give You every bit of honor and glory. Amen.

  2. Sandy Vlcek-Mahn says:

    Words can not describe what the 2 of you mean to my life. You are such an amazing woman and I feed off of you blogs. You are going to be the greatest parents any child could ask for. God tests our waters every day to see what we can handle. Money can’t by happiness. It is what it is. I have been honored to have known EJ and Doreen for many years. My father and Grandpa Clark were friends as children. I have a sick daughter that her condition is not getting better and my mind wanders thinking the worst. But I think of you both and you give me the strength to keep my wits about me and take 1 day at a time. I really hope that when Joe is cured, and I don’t say that lightly, that you will turn this blog into a book, because the love you show everyday, the power you have to get up in the morning and battle you fight and won’t give up on ,is amazing.

  3. Marlis says:

    You both are an inspiration. Sending good vibes your way with lots of love. Would love to be there to hug you and place a cool hand on Joe’s hot forehead and say There, there. There, there.

  4. Tonya Wright says:

    You are definitely right that cancer cannot take what you have. Evil things happen even to good people but we have to realize that God is in control and that he is fighting the battles for us. I pray for a quick recovery for Joe and want you to know that I pray for your family everyday. I will pray that your little girl does not come before you feel ready but no matter what if Joe cannot be the God is on your side. Now tell the evil portion to take a hike because God is there every step of the way and he only wants his hands on things that he thinks can be worse.

  5. JoEllyn Grandinetti says:

    Dear Amanda & Joe,
    You don’t know me but, I’m a friend of Brooke & David Finnigan. What you are going through is not easy, I know, I went through it 5 years ago. As I read what you write about it brings back very many memories, some bad, some good. You must hang in there! My husband & I would argue about the littlest things, but, we always got through it. Just remember GOD only gives you as much as you can handle. I know it’s easier said then done, but, you both are young & you have so much to look forward to. Keep your chin up & know that you have so many people in your corner. You must fight & be STRONG. I pray for you & your baby girl everyday & I will continue to pray for the 3 of you! GOD BLESS YOU & continue to fight – DON’T EVER GIVE UP!!

  6. Anne downs forsythe says:

    Dear Joe and Amanda, I continue to ask God to give you strength daily to keep you healthy and Joe to get better. I cannot imagine what life is like for you. I will pray that Joe is there with you on the day that beautiful baby is born. This Christmas I am asking for the blessing of God to give Joe strength, and good health. And you and the baby good health. You have a long life for the three of you to enjoy. That would be the greatest gift. We continue to ask that you be Joe Strong. We love you and wish you the best. Enjoy your shower, you sure deserve it. Continue to know that we will never give up on the two, soon to be three of you….for a blessed life. Love Anne and phil

  7. Nicole Stancy says:

    You both are an inspiration! Keep climbing the mountain!

  8. Maria Scalise Hohman says:

    Dear Amanda and Joe,

    Your baby girl has already been given the best gift of all….an amazing mommy and daddy who have shown us all what love, commitment and faith truly are. Smile today as you accept more gifts to celebrate her, to celebrate you and the love that fills you. God Bless You!!