It Takes a Village

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  1. Anna says:

    So, so sorry for the hard days. Praying all of you have a better week……hang in there.

  2. Kristen M says:

    It’s so important to take care of yourself, you did the right brave thing!

  3. Susan says:

    Hi my name is Susan . I have a granddaughter also named Mira…miracle. My daughter , Liz, had cancer when she was pregnant. Mira was delivered 10 weeks early so Liz could get chemo for her cancer. She went into remission only to get the cancer back. In December 2012, Liz had a stem cell transplant. She is doing great now as well as Mira, who is 3. Your daughter is beautiful. I pray for Joe everyday. May God bless you and your family.

  4. Julie says:

    You are amazing! Emily is a good baby and I have a husband and family in town and I’m still exhausted. You are super mom!

  5. Alyssa says:

    Hi Amanda! We’ve never met, but I went to high school with Joe. He was in the same grade as my brother and my best friends’ brothers and I remember him always being a genuinely kind person…not something you can say for a lot of high school boys 🙂 I’ve been following your blog for awhile now and I just had to leave you a note. First, our family is sending you love and prayers every day. Second, you (and Joe) are incredibly talented writers. Your ability to convey your feelings, express the gravity of your situation, and yet keep a sense of humor about everything is truly inspiring. Thank you so much for sharing your story with all of us. Finally, congratulations on the birth of Mira, she is gorgeous…a perfect blend of the both of you. I wanted to tell you that I am so happy that you took some time for yourself this weekend. I remember there would be times after I had my first son that I would leave the house and go sit at Applebee’s (I know, gross…but it was the closest and cheapest restaurant) and have a glass (or more!) of wine just to get away from it all. Now I plan my escapes more wisely and am sure to pick up a copy of Us Weekly and find the restaurant with half priced glasses 🙂 The point is, the escape is so important. Being a mom is overwhelming, and like you said, you have a double whammy. There are a lot of adjectives I could use to describe being a mom and many times the negative ones outweigh the positives! I know this is a crazy long message, but I just wanted to let you know that I’m glad you had a few moments to recharge; I know how important those moments are. And I’m there with you. When you are exhausted and awake in the middle of the night with your eyelids closing rocking that beautiful baby girl, there’s a good chance I’m awake too, thinking of all of us mommas. In this together. You are an inspiration. Thank you for touching my life.

    Sending Much Love Your Way,
    Alyssa Yamamoto Sewart

  6. Janet McGraw says:

    It’s okay not to be okay……………..My most favorite line in 62 years.

  7. Dan Wallensack says:

    super Amansa, NOONE not even you knows what it will take to make it sanely through lifes struggles! But good, wonderful, focussed on doing what is right (like you) will make it! no matter how tough the struggle there is always a light at the end of the tunnel! Just sometimes the tunnel has a curve in it that prevents you from seeing the light! You must realize & believe even though you can`t see it, the light is there & no farther away than before! The positive are many, think of those when things get to you like all the help from friemds & relatives, your wonderful husband & daughter,even when they`re sick you still know they are a positive to you! I`m always inspired by your courage! Thanks!

  8. Susan Schuh says:

    you are an amazing writer and i would be laughing hysterically out loud at this post, if i wasn’t crying too hard instead!