What I Want You to Know About Cancer

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  1. Kristy says:

    I don’t even know you and all I want to do is squeeze you tight. No parent should ever have to feel like they would rather go so their sweet little girl doesn’t hurt more in the end. It’s just so unfair. I commend joe for only thinking of Mira because I’ve been there. My sister was 10 when my dad passed and it was and still is heartbreaking to look back on. You are so brave and so strong and I hope that even in the extremely dark times you can think of all the people you’ve touched by sharing your story and know that those words are true. I didn’t know of joe or your story until the post you wrote telling of his passing. It popped up on my facebook news feed and as I read your words I immediately looked back throughout your posts and in a short time felt as if I was there with you and had known of joe all along. please know you have and are still touching so many people. I cannot say I’m sorry enough for your loss and like i said before, I just wish I could give you a great big hug. Keep your head up for that sweet little girl mama. You are doing great!

  2. Patti says:

    What words Amanda… What an amazing man Joe was, being so sick yet worrying about YOU and Mira, not himself. That’s Brave. Your words today are BRAVE! What an amazing story you continue to tell us, through your words and “through joe’s eyes” as he looks down beaming with pride your “bravery” <3

  3. dewittjenni says:

    Yes, a whole family gets cancer. I can’t count how many times I typed “we” got chemo today. After a while, I gave up trying to correct it.

    And I think all of us can relate to having friends leave. It’s crazy to think this life is so hard people can’t even handle it second hand. But that’s cancer for you.

    At the same time, we had friends who stepped up and came through for us that we never would have imagined.

    Thank you for encouraging us all to step back into the hard stories of others. It’s so, so very important just to keep showing up. Even if it’s awkward and painfully uncomfortable.

    Blessings and prayers.

  4. Amanda, one word to describe you…AMAZING, I don’t know if I could be as brave and strong as you if dealt with what you have been and continue go thru, I would by any book you would write of Joe and your love, strength, sadness, happiness, selflessness, good and bad times, you are so great with your words and thoughts, I find myself hanging on every word in your blog, I want it to keep going, you have such a gift for writing, please continue to keep us updated on you and that precious baby girl!!!!