Our June #OurTribe grant recipients are so precious and brave.
Chris was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer on December 31, 2018. He’s had to miss a tremendous amount of work and paying child care was rough.
“It’s really hard asking for help. Your pride gets in the way,” Chris wrote in his letter to Cocktails & Chemo.
We get it, Chris. So we got a check in the mail straight to their child care program and got them all caught up, so they could all take a quick breather.
Chris is going through chemo and loving on these two little kiddos and his beautiful caregiving wife.
This family is part of #OurTribe – these are the faces and little loves we’re able to help because of our amazing donors and supports.
💙 this is how you #LIVELOUD
Cocktails & Chemo currently offers one #OurTribe grant per month to help off-set costs of childcare for families dealing with treatments or long hospital stays.