Hands holding

Hard Conversations: The Hidden Chapter

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  1. Celete says:

    I know the feeling of hard conversation. Especailly since my dad just passed on January 3. I hard the hard conversation with him about how I was caring for him. How i would care for my other mother. It is good to know their wishes and fulfill them.

  2. Kathy Smith says:

    Amanda and Mira
    We didn’t know Joe that well but what we witnessed with you and him in your years together in sickness and in health…. And we continue to watch you and Mira live without him…Joe would want you to be happy and love again yes it won’t be the love you shared…He doesn’t want you and Mira to be alone so when your ready and the right Guy comes along for you and Mira you will know….Joes legacy will never die…You are an inspiration for everyone else going through what you have indured in your young life. Joe and you starting Cocktails and Chemo was truly a calling….God Bless you and Mira We love you Kevin and Kathy