A baby is coming. Oh yes, a baby is coming. I’ll bet it’s twins.
Amanda and I are expecting our first child – due on Christmas Eve! We officially found out after a doctor appointment on Friday, April 19th. Amanda was 5 weeks into her pregnancy! It turns out, the eye and hair color are already determined at this point.
This is Joe, giving you a look into the past couple of weeks through my eyes.

Everyone is ecstatic! Our families are so happy for us. Everyone is going through life with a little more “pep-in-their-step” after hearing the news. But, where will we raise our new baby? I once said to Amanda, “It is possible to have a baby in our apartment, you know.” This didn’t go over well. When Amanda is unhappy, she gets very silent. Needless to say, no walls in this apartment were going to be painted with baby giraffes or elephants. We needed to move. We live in a small apartment close to the city, and need to get into something a bit more suitable for a “Wittle Baby,” as he/she is currently known as.
Amanda has been looking for a house to rent for months. And now that Amanda is WITH CHILD, we have a reason to kick up our search. I started driving for hours every day on Monday, April 22nd. I called various realtors, looked for “For Rent” signs in neighorhoods we liked, and thank goodness the Zillow app is free!
I feel amazing. I keep telling people, I haven’t felt this good since high school! I have been going to the gym 4-6 times/week, I have been eating a ton of fruits and vegetables in order to satisfy my nutrient in-take, and I take quiet time for myself to calm my nerves. I don’t stress about…really ANYTHING! (You’ll have to confirm this with Amanda. I think she has a different opinion). After losing dad over 8 months ago, going through cancer treatments, and working hard to improve my mental/emotional/and physical health….Amanda and I are now moving into a GREAT townhouse that she found, and we are looking forward to painting those baby giraffes and elephants in our 2nd bedroom! Life is GREAT! Cancer can’t stop NEW LIFE!

For the record, I don’t know who this young man is. Although he is cute, we are not related. But, you get the idea about what the baby room might look like….Thank you Google…