I’m sorry it’s taken so long to write an update since our trip to Houston. We know so many of you helped with the online fundraiser to even make it possible for us to get there and we can’t thank you enough.
Sometimes I think Joe and I would just like to ignore the whole thing but unfortunately, cancer seems to be staring us straight in the face.
Joe had a million tests at Houston, M.D. Anderson and we met with an oncologist and a genetic counselor while we were there.
Since we were stuck in Texas over Memorial weekend we also made the best of it and spent some time at a haunted hotel on the beach. (It was spooky!)
The doctors confirmed what we were afraid of and the cancer has spread in Joe’s abdomen area.
The oncologist wants to see 2 months of chemo and then we will be heading back to Houston in July for more tests and to see if it is working.
The location of the cancer can be tricky because it isn’t in an organ and doesn’t get a direct blood stream, doctors say that can make it a little more difficult for the chemo to get to.
Best case scenario, chemo shrinks the cancer and we will meet with a surgeon in Houston to talk about the possibility of removing it.
This sounds like the best case scenario for those of us that love Joe to pieces but it’s all pretty sucky for him. Chemo sucks. Surgery sucks more. Recovery sucks. And then more chemo after it all— you guessed it, it sucks.
Joe and I say all the time we have no doubt we can do this, we just don’t really want to.
Chemo started for Joe last Thursday and he was unhooked on Saturday. He is so strong and staying in such a good mental place.
It’s been hard to write back or text back but we want all of you to know we love your notes of encouragement and to feel that we aren’t alone in this.
A little good news to wrap up— we got to hear the baby’s heartbeat a few weeks ago. 🙂 We are all moved in to our new townhouse! Wrigley and Natasha love sunning on the new patio.
We love all of you and will continue to send new updates and info as we get them!
Amanda & Joe and baby blueberry (who is more the size of a lime now)
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