Okay, we have 4 days to kill, so we are heading down to Galveston, TX. Galveston is on the beach, and about an hour South of Houston. We figured, why not make a vacation out of this?
I have to preface this by saying that I love shows about ghosts. My absolute favorite is, “Celebrity Ghost Stories.” Amanda can barely sleep at night when I make her watch an episode of it.
We pull up to Hotel Galvez. Online, the hotel looks incredible! It has won many awards, it has a fantastic pool, and is known for it’s spa. What they forgot to mention online was how HAUNTED this place looks. As we pull in I said immediately, we will not be able to sleep here…
We walked into the lobby. Old antique chandeliers were hanging from the ceilings and oil paintings of señor Galvez were on the walls. We haven’t seen anything like this since our last visit to The Tower Hotel, which you may remember from Disney’s Hollywood Studios!
I said to the guy at the check in counter, “OK dude, is this place haunted?” Billingsly simply lowers his head and smiles. Another lady gets a piece of paper with a story on it. It turns out a soon-to-be bride hung herself in one of the rooms. She heard news that her finance’s ship went under after a tremendous storm in the gulf. Which makes it worse is that, he wasn’t dead and came back a few days later.
“The fifth floor is haunted. You are on six,” says Billingsly.
We took some pictures and captured a few orbs. We received a knock at the door around 2am one night. There was no one at the door….coincidence?
It made for a fun “Babymoon,” as Amanda calls it!