Cancer Cut in Half

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  1. Melinda Rueter says:

    That is fantastic news! It sounds like you have found the right place for Joe. Don’t worry about Blueberry (she’s not going to be named that so she can hang out with Apple, is she? jk). As my grandmother always said- Don’t borrow trouble before you have to. If anyone could handle giving birth on a plane it would be you 🙂 Blueberry is a lucky girl- her momma is pretty amazing. We are sending many prayers for Joe!

  2. tvjencook says:

    Such amazing news! I love the Japanese head-very powerful! I just hope the baby doesn’t look like that! 🙂

  3. Robin Smythe says:

    I’m not worried about the Clark baby looking like the Japanese head… I’m just reminding myself regularly that he/she will not really be a blueberry when he/she comes out. Houston does have a different luster under the cloak of good news. If that baby is born in Houston, I get first dibs on buying the first pair of baby cowboy boots!

  4. John Garity says:

    I knew it! You both are putting out so much POSITIVE energy and there is so much LOVE being sent your way, this cancer has no chance! And no matter where little Ms. Blueberry is born, you’ll all be together celebrating life! Love all three of you. And Amanda, you are missed at work!

  5. Cindy Purdue says:

    Oh my goodness – I’m crying big puppy dog happy tears for you and Joe and little blueberry! Hope is everything! So happy that you received good news. Long road ahead but that old cowboy doctor is absolutely right – Joe is young, strong, scrappy, and ready to live for all the girls in his life! Prayers and positive thoughts are coming your way all the time! Love, Cindy

  6. cindybickel says:

    What great news! Dawn has been keeping Joe and I up to date! (You met us on Spring Break in Siesta Key!) You are all in our thoughts and prayers! Stay strong and positive!

  7. GREAT NEWS! Been catching up on my reading on your blog posts and how you guys are doing and so happy to read that his cancer has been cut in half THATS A BIG DEAL!!!!! Next year it will be my 5th year and then I will be cancer free. I’ve had Ovarian cancer since I was 5 years old and have relapsed 3 times so I know the excitement it is to get good news.. Don’t worry that in the mist of the madness God sends evil doctors to all the sudden be the nicest people out there just so they can make your day lol!!! best wishes and positive thoughts heading both of you guys way!!!!

  8. Kathy Smith says:

    Joe and Amanda this is great news I will continue to pray for you!! God does listen and heals. Keep the faith Love Kevin and Kathy Smith