“How Did We Get Here?”

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  1. Kevin and Kathy Smith says:

    Joe it’s wonderful to see your smile and your sitting up keep the Faith God is an Awesome God!!! Dear Amanda take care of yourself and that baby girl you are all amazing! Love Kevin and Kathy

  2. Danielle Freeman says:

    Amanda, There are no words that express the feeling that creates a boulder in my stomach when I read about you and Joe. The words that come flying out of my mouth are, Strength, Courage and Love. You both are rare people and the strength and endurance you have all while creating a beautiful baby is absolutely amazing!! Donating Blood today in support of you both!! As I do every day, Praying for you both. #joestrong

  3. Peggy Smith says:

    That’s a good picture to hold in your thoughts: “Healed with a baby on our chest.” To concur with the above, Kevin and Kathy Smith, “God is an awesome God!”; it is no coincidence your baby plays a roll in His perfect plan. He is an awesome God! love, Peggy XO

  4. Anne downs forsythe says:

    I like your outlook for January. When you feel so tired and you don’t feel you have any more strength to go on please remember that we all are sending you our love, hugs, prayers and good wishes and maybe some of that can give you strength to carry on. It had been a exhausting time for both of you and your love for each other is what is so strong and amazing. My wish is that from today on each day you get more amazing news on joes strength and progress. We are all thinking of you

  5. Wendy Davis says:

    Amanda and Joe,
    We pray for you overnight! Love you so much! You two really are amazing. Sending lots of hugs and kisses from Champaign!

    Wendy and Scotty

  6. John McTigue says:

    I’ve never met Joe, but feel like I know him through Tom….he has been SUCH a good friend to my son…and for that I’m eternally grateful. So I say a special prayer every day, and just want Joe to know that there are many many people pulling for him, and praying for him. The courage you have both shown is amazing…….God bless you both. I KNOW there are better times ahead.