The Clark family at DIsney

Words to Live By

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  1. Emily Gill says:

    I love your words. I love that Joe helps you figure out where the commas belong (I’m a bit of a grammar nerd myself). Don’t worry about the mean words that some people put out there – some of them come from pain (like Joe is feeling), and some of them come from ignorance (like the comment you shared), but they all have the ability to make you a stronger person. Your little girl is blessed to have a mommy and daddy that both know the importance of the written, and spoken, word. Keep writing.

  2. Roxanne Olson says:

    Your words and honesty have touched so many. I thank you for them and pray for you that you and Joe have the direction, blessings and things you need to make it through each day. I have no idea who was critical of your musings, but as an English/Journalism double major, I say, “Shame on that sad person! They must have issues that go way beyond a ‘prettily placed comma’.” :).

  3. Meg says:

    Fear is extremely powerful and wears lots if disguises. Whoever wrote that hate mail could very well be going though exactly what you all are and is expressing his own fear through powerful…albeit angry. ..words. As long as you know that is a possibility, you might find it easier to cope with such insensitivity. Afterall, this person did read your blog….for some reason or another. I’m so sorry you had to read that.

  4. Coach says:

    Amanda, a few words about today’s post. My heart goes out to you & I feel I need to apologize for the goofy person who wrote the letter that you referenced today. I had to say a prayer for that person because she/he just doesn’t get it. Your Blog has done more good for those of us that read it than any good that has ever been bestowed upon you and your family. I am certain you have made everyone that knows you or knows Joe aware of how precious life is. You have made us stop & reflect, take one day at a time & count our blessings because there are no guarantees in life. You have also proven to me that Angels do live on earth, because you are truly an Angel on a mission from God. The love that pours out through your messages is so pure and unconditional it is divine. THANK YOU FOR WRITING WHAT YOU WRITE, DOING WHAT YOUR DOING & INSPIRING ALL OF US THAT READ WHAT YOU WRITE.

    In regards to the Clueless Knucklehead who wrote the hurtful letter you referenced today, I leave you the advice of that great baseball philosopher Yogi Berra, “Never answer anonymous letters.”


  5. Sally Meyer says:

    You don’t know me, but I am a member of St. Mark Parish(and I also know Tony). I don’t have cancer, but am journeying with someone who does. You write beautifully–not that that it is the most important thing, but it helps me more clearly understand what you both are going through. Your thoughts and reflections have touched me, and I will continue to say prayers for you all. Thank you for sharing your life–I can’t help but think, in some way, it is making mine better.

  6. Anne forsythe says:

    Your words and Joes are beautiful. Mira will always know the live you both have for her and each other. Love and hugs to you xo

  7. Linda Troutman says:

    It is just super the way you two are telling your cancer story!! I wish & pray it could be different!! Your little daughter is sooooo cute & sweet!!

    It has been years since I have seen you Amanda, but I can still hear & see you & your Dad singing at Bryan’s Wedding!!

    Cancer has touched so many lives & families. I have a good friend, & cousin going through it right now. Keep writing your blogs. I love to read them & I admire your truthfulness & perseverance!!

    Cousin Linda

  8. Carlos says:

    I absloulty Love your courage in sharing some of the deepest fears anyone could have i applaude you for getting up each and everyday and continuing Your Fight !

  9. Hil says:

    Thank you for sharing your story. While I would never wish for anyone else to experience this, knowing that someone out there is on a similar journey makes me feel less alone. I was 8 months pregnant when my fiances cancer returned aggressively, after a year of remission. Seeing my own thoughts and fears written down by you in your blog, made me feel like someone out there understood. Thank you for that. May peace and hope be with you both.

  10. andrea stevens says:

    In a group there’s bound to be a negative person. Some people are so unhappy they feel the need to tear others down. You and Joe are inspiring. The love and compassion you have will be what leaves a lasting impression on your daughters life. My thoughts and prayers continue for your family.

  11. Christie green says:

    When you are living day to day – and your mind is fried with the simple tasks at hand – grammar is not a priority. That crept hasn’t been there yet. And I wouldn’t wish it on her or anyone. Just keep posting – it heals the soul.

  12. Claudette Hemenover says:

    You both reduce me to tears with every post! My Heros!

  13. Ali Solomon says:

    I am a friend of Ross, and wanted to reach out to say thank you. Thank you for your courage, strength, and honesty. I couldn’t possibly understand what it is you’re going through, but as someone who has witnessed many loved ones battling cancer, it has been helpful to read your words. I read your blog often and though we’ve never met, I am continually sending thoughts and strength your way.

  14. S says:

    Hello! I just had to write about that mean comment you posted. I’ve been following your story and blog for a couple months now (and it is lovely and terribly sad… sigh) and I saw that comment when it was up. I remember going through the comment thread very carefully, bc I was shocked that someone would write something so cruel on this site. I really think that comment was directed at the commenter directly above it — can’t find that comment now, but it was full of errors in syntax, grammar, etc. Again, does not make it right, but I don’t think that comment was directed at your family or your wonderful writing. At least, I will hope not.

  15. Katy Sprauer says:

    As I read this (I read all your blogs), I couldn’t help to become angry and the few lines of negative text on the page…. You are SO right about negative words sticking out so much more predominately than kind or thoughtful words.
    The words you and Joe choose to write and share are there not to gain attention but to vent and let the world know what it’s like to share a love so deep and meaningful. The words you write are inspirational and heartfelt and as I read the pages I get the picture as to the messages you are relaying

    Your words, though sometimes painful to read, are your legacy and that is what matters.
    I will continue to believe the the power of love and hope and your words play a part in my belief
    I will continue to pray for the strength of your family and hope of a new tomorrow

  16. Jen says:

    Your words are so raw and true and inspiring and heartbreaking. It’s why I’ve read every single post you guys have made, even though I don’t even know if we have ever met, if we did only in passing. This exception (clueless turd who wrote you hate mail) proves the rule, and if nothing else continue to write for yourself. This person doesn’t get to tell you to stop doing this for yourself. They don’t have to read it. And they definitely don’t get to tell you that you can’t share this history with your daughter. It’s a beautiful yet painful one but she is entitled to hear every breath of it. Thank you for sharing this oh so vulnerable part of yourselves and I and many others will faithfully continue to read it and cherish it.