Living with a Warrior

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  1. Candi says:

    Prayers for you and your warrior. God has a reason for giving you this month……and I’m sure he will allow you to use every day to its fullest!

  2. Barbara Fiore says:

    So glad you got good news today. I pray for your beautiful family daily.

  3. kjdelzell says:

    Thank you God for good news….praying for all of you.

  4. dean says:

    You are a warrior too.

  5. Brittany says:

    Beautifully said!! I love when you blog! You guys are true inspiration to many people!!

  6. Dustin Avol says:

    Celebrate the victories ~ no matter how small

  7. Marianne Dickey says:

    Praise The Lord!!!!!! I hope these 35 days are a step toward possibly another 35 days in the future! My dear you and Joe deserve a miracle! And I will pray for you to have one!!!!! I pray for the miracle of time!!!!!! I feel so unworthy of all I have and I wish I could give some of my health to Joe! YOU AMANDA are a warrior too!!! Stay strong warriors of hope and be brave!!!! Forge on!!!!! Love and hugs from INDY!!!!!

  8. Melissa Ripkey says:

    Prayers always!

  9. Caroline Heyward Jenkins says:

    I think this is very good news to get to have a 30 day reprieve from cancer treatments. I am praying for your little family. Enjoy your time off and hold each other close.

  10. Sue miller says:

    ) Smile I love you all

  11. Anne downs forsythe says:

    Wow great news, Joe grow stronger each day, as we know you need to be joestrong, we are all wishing positive great thoughts. The three of you enjoy the moments together. What a blessed day today is, to know the cancer is stable. Stay positive xoxo

  12. Jamie says:

    I am continually moved by the strength that is exuded through you and your family. I believe strength sometimes comes when you are in a valley and when you least would expect it. I don’t know you – my brother is friends with Joe so that is how I started following the Cocktails and chemo- I just wanted to say you both continually put things in perspective with your heartfelt and realistic yet truly poignant words. Praying for you and for each day you all spend together to be embraced, blessed, and a cocktail or two as well!

  13. dewittjenni says:


  14. says:

    Amanda and Joe,

    You are both gifted writers and now that I found your blog, I’m addicted. Your insight and humor in spite of everything thrown your way, is inspiring. I feel like you are friends even though we will likely never meet. You have a way with words and I hope that you turn this into a book to inspire and touch others.

    I count my lucky stars when I read your challenge that I have had the good fortune of having caught breast cancer twice at an early stage (just had surgery again last week) so not a big deal. My heart and prayers are with you. So happy to hear that the cancer is stable and that you can take a break from chemo and hopefully live in the moment for a bit with your precious Mira.

    Stay in the light,


  15. Eileen says:

    There are two warriors in your house. So glad to hear you got good news. I hope this month brings you lots of normal and lots of fun.

  16. Dan Wallensack says:

    There are no words great enough to describe the unconditional love, respect, and willingness to do whatever is best that both of you have especially for each other and of course Mira! Both of you are amazing, together even stronger than than each by yourself! I am honored to be able to read your posts! I feel inspired and empowered every time! Thanks for all you write, all you do, and mostly who you are!

  17. I have a love/hate relationship with your blog! I love it because you are so well written. That’s it. No more reasons! I hate hate hate it because I’ve been where you are right now and I’ve been everywhere you have been and everywhere this journey may lead you. My husband died of Colorectal Cancer on October 11, 2012 at a young 28 years old. I was a 26 year old widowed mother of our 4 1/2 year old and our 11 day old newborn. Every thought you have, I’ve had. I cry, no I sob, every entry you post because I’ve been there. I think about the 3 of you daily and wish none of you were going through this. This is a nightmare I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy.