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  1. Anne downs forsythe says:

    So glad that you both made it to the game. Joe is alwAys good looking no matter what. Going to wishing for the best outcome and continue with prayers and support. Love you guys xo

  2. Tara says:

    Thank you for sharing your journey, I can’t imagine the pain beyond what the words convey. You make me appreciate every moment that much more and chastise myself for my petty complaints. May God bless you both with an added measure of time and strength.

  3. I am so glad that God gave Joe the courage, to muster up the strength to at least try and succeed to GET to that game. I know that had to be a thrill even tho he was so sick. Amanda, I have no words to try and convey my heart ache for your pain, emotional, and his physical… What does 1 say except, we are all praying, and hoping and praying some more for a miracle!! NEVER give up HOPE! We are all supporting you all, 1000%! Hugs of the biggest kind to all of you, your strength and courage, both of you, is an amazing thing….. XX <3

  4. D. Williams says:

    Wow! I am praying for all of you. Praying that you made it home safely and praying for the pain to subside. God bless all 3 of you.

  5. Both of you amaze me….smiles through tears! Prayers, Prayers and more Prayers <3

  6. Anna says:

    Continuing the prayers. Thankful you 3 got this trip……memories for all !!!! Hoping and praying for relief of pain and for strength and peace while on this journey……you are all so much stronger than I am. I marvel at your endurance and grace.

  7. MP says:

    I read this thanks to a RT from the only and only Peanut Tillman. One of my dearest friends lost her boyfriend last year after years of trials, experimental treatments, you name it. He, too, was befriended by a celebrity, and I truly believe that friendship that developed improved his quality of life so much. His passion never faded as a result of this almost daily communication with someone he revered so much. I will pray that you and your husband find the treatment that works. Don’t give up.

  8. Dave says:

    Keep fighting Joe. I am a cancer survivor and can relate to this story. I didn’t want to see people either, and there were days the pain was so unbearable but I to did not want to give in or let people know exactly how bad I felt. There were days I didn’t want to fight anymore, and the same thought came back into my head that was first there when my surgeon told me I had stage 4 cancer. At that moment I said to myself, I can beat this and thank you God for giving me this horrible disease and not my wife or my children. I lived by that thought everyday. It made me stronger each time I felt like not fighting. You can do this Joe. You have so many people praying for you, and I do believe in the power of prayer. Also, you have an incredible wife. I had an incredible support group in my wife and two kids, this is so important. God bless you Joe for continuing to fight. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

  9. Coach says:


    If the Bears had half your heart they would go undefeated this season. My prayer is that when the time comes you walk through the tunnel and you meet Big EJ and then you both jog out to the 50 yard line and celebrate with the Bears after they just won the Super Bowl. Of course, the World Champion Cubs will also be out there celebrating with you guys. God bless your family.


  10. Katy says:

    THANK YOU, Peanut Tillman, for helping to make Joe’s dream come true, and for giving the rest of us a positive story about an NFL player. Sending many prayers for your family, Amanda!

  11. disom2013 says:

    I just got done reading your entire blog in three days and I’m just in awe of both of you. I’m praying SO hard for both of you right now as you enter this next phase. God will get you through. Just keep your arms around Joe as often as you can and your love will help him through. You are in my thoughts and prayers right now. God bless both of you and your precious little girl. 🙁

  12. Yisel Tejeda says:

    Hang in there! My heart hurts knowing you guys are going through this! I know you’ve heard that time and time again. With every blog I read I ask the same question, perhaps one familiar to you…. Why? Continue to share your story! Continue to inspire! Xoxo – Yisel Tejeda

  13. Eddie Poirier says:

    Sports is a great escape. Sometimes the visitors don’t really understand what having Cancer really means. I know, I’m a caretaker too. Go Bears, go Joe!