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  1. Toni Clark says:

    It is scary, but you are strong. You can do this. Good luck!

  2. Frances Chattin Snyder says:

    Sweet strong girl, you will make it.

  3. YOU, one very strong woman, and one very scared woman all at the same time. BUT, YOU can do this Amanda!!! Like everything you have already “done and pushed through” this too will soon be a memory and you can look back and say “Ya, I CAN do this”!! Best wishes on your move, your new home, and your next phase of this journey for you and Mira!!! XX <3

  4. Kelly says:

    Best of luck to you Amanda! You can do it and I can’t wait to read of this phase in your journey. Joe is so proud of you.

  5. Mary Kay bunch says:

    God is with u and for some reason this is part of his plan. Good luck Amanda. ❤️Mk

  6. Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying… I will try again tomorrow.
    Mary Anne Radmacher-Hershey

    This quote applies to navigating through parenting, doing taxes, making decisions, and pretty much every aspect of life. I have read several of your posts. You don’t have a choice whether you have this whole experience, it is your reality—the only choice you have is how well you handle it. From what I am reading, you are being yourself, feeling what you are feeling, and doing that with grace, gratitude, and great love for your family. Bloom where you are planted.

  7. Nancy Probst says:

    Everytime I read your posts, I get teary eyed remembering my journey on that “w” train. It has been 12 years for me and you bring me right back to that awful time. You will learn so much about yourself that you never thought possible in this journey that we never think we will take when we plan our lives. Time helps and good people that enter your life help even more. Keep your eyes, ears and heart open to those new possibilities. Baby steps, bigger steps and soon you will run. Love your writing! It makes it so real.

  8. Jackie says:

    I sat here at my desk reading your post with tears and a smile. I have followed your journey over the last 6 months or so. You are a very strong woman, I truly believe that Joe is helping you get through each and every decision. They aren’t easy decisions, but look at how far you have come. One day at a time is all you can do, I wish you and Mira the very best in your future. Don’t close any doors, keep them open and let the future in whatever it may hold.

  9. Kya's mom says:

    I also went through that terrible widow time and it was 21 years ago. I was left with a daughter graduating from high school, a business that was almost $1M in debt (that I wasn’t aware of), the sale of a home and no job to go to (I was a stay at home mom for the most part). I am remarried and was diagnosed last fall with the awful “c” word. I may be old, but still remember all of those learning moments. You will as well as will your beautiful daughter. Stay strong, mourn as you need to and keep your head held high. You are young and life’s lessons will be a journey. I am doing well, went the whole alternative therapy regime and so far, so good. Laughter and smiles will get you through this journey.