To My Fatherless Daughter

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  1. Amanda, Baby Mira, How my heart aches for you both on this weekend that father’s day falls on… I can very much relate to not having a Dad, and although it has been several years ago that he left us, it feels as if it was last week. I am so happy that your daddy Mira left you with things that will be a reminder, of how much he loves you, and Mom, and is “with you both” every day. Hang tight to Mom this first father’s day with just you two, he is ‘there” and his Love will be felt by you both <3 <3 <3

  2. Suzanne says:

    Wow. I was clicking on here to leave you a comment for the first time ever, telling you she DOES have a Daddy, and to give the advice that a friend who lost her mom young gave me after mine died- celebrate her on those hard days. Eat cake on her birthday. DO thing things she loved to do on Mother’s Day. Honor her on the day she passed doing something special or silly – Like eat ice cream and cake for breakfast because she sometimes let us do that when it was too late to have dessert at night time.

    But instead, I am sitting here with tears running down my face. Hugs to you and your beautiful little miracle of the two of you. Prayers for you both. As my all knowing counselor told me: grief comes in waves. some days you can plant your feet strong enough in the sand it gently rocks you, and then some days you land on your butt. I pray for more gentle rocking days, and dear friends to throw you the buoy when the title waves hit. Suzanne

  3. Kathy King says:

    Oh Amanda, my heart is breaking right now. Never think that she is fatherless. A fatherless child is one who’s dad abandons them. I lost my dad the same way as Mira lost her dad. My dad had lynch syndrome and he left our earthly world 19 years ago yesterday. I am not fatherless. I feel my dad with me. I am currently fighting stage 4 lynch syndrome colon cancer too. When my time comes, my 3 children will not be motherless, because they know I love them so much. Joe loves Mira and you so much. Please know that. Not fatherless, just waiting til later to be reunited.

  4. Caroline Heyward Jenkins says:

    Oh, how my heart feels heavy for you and Mira. She may not have a daddy on this earth but she does have a smart, beautiful and caring mother who loves her beyond words. God bless you both.

  5. This is incredible. It sounds like you’ve got this, but I just posted an article today that may help you to help your baby girl know her daddy. I can’t begin to know your pain, but I truly admire your strength. his is incredible.

  6. ann says:

    Mira, your daddy was such a wonderful person and whenever I see pictures of you it makes me smile because you look so much like him. Special hugs to you and your mom this father’s day. Your daddy is looking down on both of you and is soooo proud.

  7. That made a tear fall down my cheek 🙁 I know that with your help Mira will always know her Daddy!

  8. Kelly says:

    I’m so sorry Amanda and Mira. My daughter is also fatherless but only because he chose not to be in her life. I am not able to tell her wonderful stories about the love he had for her and her mommy. Mira is so lucky… so lucky to have you and so lucky to have an angel in Joe. It’s so very hard for us to comprehend when we have our father. I pray for you daily and I will continue to. *hugs*

  9. Lids Spragia says:

    Wow! That was powerful. I understand the feelings that I am preparing myself and my daughter for. My husband has pancreatic cancer.