All the Things

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  1. Sue McKay says:

    I loved your words and wisdom, you are so right, if you have your health, you have a wonderful world to live in and the material things are not important. The important thing is to be thankful for that, laugh, live life surrounded by friends, family and the people you love. May you a Mia have the best Christmas you can, may you find happiness with the people you love beside you and know that Joe is watching over you.

  2. Eileen McCullough says:

    Beautiful. Thank you for this perfect message. Merry Christmas!

  3. yvonne mitchell says:

    Thank you.

  4. Sara says:

    Thank you for such a great post! It is so important to remember how fortunate we are! Many blessing to you and your sweet daughter!

  5. katie says:

    thanks for this post. We don’t know what will happen with my husband, but it’s not looking good for him to make it to next christmas. We really need a new house as we live in a trailer that doesn’t have enough room for our two kids, me and my husband, but i dread moving to a new house knowing that my husband won’t have any memories there. ((hugs to you and Mira))

  6. Claudette Hemenover says:

    Love your words Amanda…Happy New Year to you and Mira!

  7. Jackie Janega says:

    This is just what people need to read before the holidays! God Bless you and your daughter!!!!

  8. Joe Banich says:

    Perfect. Your remarks are just perfect for all of us to remember at this time of year. God Bless You and Your Daughter.

  9. Joyce Marr says:

    Your words echo so true. I am grateful every day for what I have because the tomorrows are going to be here for sure. Many of my yesterdays are still painful to recall.

  10. Theresa says:

    Love your posts Amanda!
    God bless you and Mira ❤️

  11. Anna says:

    The love of my life has stage IV colorectal cancer and is fighting for his life. I used to worry about each and every little detail in life but now I thank God for every day we have and every holiday. i could cry and be depressed, doing nothing but fret over what life has given us but instead I take the moments we have and make the best of things. Thank you for such an inspirational article.