A Tender Heart

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  1. Gwyn says:

    Amanda we don’t know one another, however we have some things in common. My son is an athlete at GBN, I lived in Carmel, IN, and my father died when I was 4. I follow you and see all these beautiful pictures of Mira and I cry for you and wish I could ease your grief. Don’t ever stop doing exactly what you are doing. I wish I could hear about my daddy ,Jack, everyday. I wish I could hear how he talked, walked, laughed. My Mom once described her grief like a light. As time goes she grows further from the light. It does become dim but she can always see it. It never ever goes away. I think you are a one hell of a mother and I smile each time I see another pic of that beautiful little girl you and Joe created. God bless you.

  2. Kelly says:

    You are doing everything right and some… nobody has the answers; you do what is best for you and your daughter. Joe would be very proud. Proud of how you’ve carried on his name and proud of how you are raising your beautiful daughter. Never doubt that.