A Parent’s Love

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  1. Lindsey Litton says:

    The nursery is adorable! A blessing to have that totally done and ready as you pack up and head to Texas. Keep us updated. Prayers that travel and appointments go as expected.

  2. Marlis says:

    You are two of the bravest and strongest people I know. And that nursery is over the moon cool, charming, cozy, and otherwise perfect. All good energies coming your way.

  3. Marianne Dickey says:

    I dont really know you two (3) but feel like I do through Erin Madden. My daughters Jessica Kinkoph and Erica Dickey went to OLG and Roncalli and I share the same birthday with Erin. JAN. 28th. I am an RN of 26 yrs in pediatrics and a Pediatric Nurse Practitioner of 4 years. I have been following your blog and journey since before you got married. I am a cheerleader!!!!! I am praying for you and wish the very best for all 3 of you. You can’t go wrong in Houston!!!! It is my favorite place in the whole world and I hope to live and work there one day. Good luck Joe and Amanda!!!! You deserve every blessing and I will be praying for you! Oct. 7 is my dads 90th birthday. I hope that is good luck for you. Take care and your strength and bravery inspires me!!!!! XOXOXO

  4. Patti says:

    My prayers are with all 3 of you!

  5. Clare Trumble says:

    Keeping all of you in my prayers! Love the nursery!

  6. Tom and Tammy Oakley says:

    Best Wishes from Indy to all of you! You will all continue to be in our thoughts and prayers.

  7. Prayers being sent straight up! You are both so strong! I know the outcome will be good- there just isn’t room to think anything else. One of my students said in a presentation “don’t talk negative into existence” So there will only be positive! The nursery is just beautiful. A hidden kingdom for the princess 🙂

  8. SARAH JINDRA says:

    Your baby’s room is adorable!! I especially LOVE the Bears shirt!! 🙂 Sending all my love and positive thoughts your way!!! Love you!!!

  9. Anne downs forsythe says:

    Joe and Amanda, may God bless you and watch over you. We will be praying for you. Keep strong, know that you have a lot of people that love you and wish you well. You are both so strong and have such love for each other, this love will get you through the toughest days. We wish we lived by you, would love to cook and clean and run errands for you, but since we aren’t there please let us know if we can do anything fom here that will help. Since you are part of Erin’ s family, you are part of our family (Pat’s) and always will be. Prayers, love, hugs, and strength to both of you. Love, Anne and Phil

  10. Wendy Davis says:

    Amanda and Joe~ You are an amazing couple. I think of you all the time and have you in my prayers and thoughts! The nursery is so adorable and just perfect for your beautiful baby girl on the way! Keep us updated on Joe’s surgery and your trip to Houston. So glad you will have family there for support!!! Lots of love, Hugs and prayers to you!! Keep Smiling! Love, Scotty and Wendy

  11. Colleen Lahr says:

    I am sending love and prayers from me and Mark. May our loved ones in heaven help you along this journey.

  12. […] a rockstar and one of the most generous people I know. My favorite thing was this painting of Mira’s Tree that Joe replicated for the silent auction. I tried to get it for Avery’s room but I was […]