Houston, We’re a Go for Surgery

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  1. Sabrina Tipre says:

    Good luck! Sending strength and positive energy your way in Houston!!!!

  2. Stephanie Yott says:

    Amanda, I’m a friend of Dawn’s. You probably don’t remember me, but we played cards together one night at Dawn & Bryan’s. My husband went to school with Bryan from pre-school until they graduated from IU. I just want to tell you that you have super prayer warriors back here in Indiana. We are lifting you, Joe and your sweet baby up in prayers daily. Stay strong! Stephanie Yott

  3. Carly says:

    Thinking of you guys! Sending prayers from Greenwood, IN <3

  4. Bob Barton says:

    You and your family are in our thoughts and prayers Joe and Amanda. Godspeed to you and wishing the very best for a speedy recovery.

  5. Les Fiatte says:

    Joe & Amanda…..We may not be there, but we’re with you all the way! Love, Me n’ Barb.

  6. […] On October 7th, a man that I’ve never met before is having surgery. […]